You may have noticed a change recently in which bands BIDA is booking, with an increase in established bands. While our bookers have had various approaches over the years, we generally haven't booked many in this category. This let us leave space for newer musicians and newer combinations.
Historically, we were founded to be, among other things, a "stepping stone" dance. Fifteen years ago there were a lot of opportunities to play dances in the Boston area, but there was a large skill and experience gap from where smaller dances would book you to what the big dances were looking for. By putting on a dance that was in between, with an approach to booking that was in between, we filled what we saw at the time as an important gap. Over the years, however, our dance has come to fill a different position. We are now a "big" dance, not really a "stepping stone". As we've moved in this direction, we've started booking some established bands.
This doesn't mean we are planning to book only "name" bands. We do still see a place for ourselves in the community as a dance that is willing to take a chance on groups that don't yet have a track record.
If you're interested in playing for BIDA, please write to us at!
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