Requiring High-Filtration Masks

With cases increasing in our area and several people reporting positive tests in the week after our last dance, BIDA has decided to start requiring high filtration masks.  This means N95, KN95, KF-94, FFP-2, or P100 masks.  Cloth and surgical masks will no longer be accepted.

This is what the City of Cambridge recommends, and is the same mask policy used by Concord ThursdayMonday, and Greenfield.

We will have a selection of N95 masks available for free, but we recommend you bring your own if you have one you know fits well.

While in general we don't allow masks with vents, reusable P100s are permitted with a surgical-style mask over the vent.

At the same time, we're also changing our approach to notifying dancers
  • If someone informs us they may have been infectious at the dance, we will update our website, post on Facebook, and email everyone who filled out the contact tracing form at the dance.

  • If additional people also inform us, we will update the notification on the website and edit the Facebook post to include the additional information, but we will not send further rounds of emails unless we learn of several additional positive tests.
Safer dancing, everyone!
